Wednesday, June 11, 2008

USA TODAY: "Cookies' place is crumbling to fruit as top kids' snack"

"Parents are beginning to clean up their nutrition acts when it comes to the snacks they serve their children, new data show.

Fruit is the most common snack for children under 6, and cookies are second. In 1987, cookies ruled and fruit ranked second, according to findings from the NPD Group, a market research firm. And kids today:"

Read the complete story HERE.

Wonder if the moms being tracked in 2005-2007 were more concerned about how they were to being judged on what they give their children.

There has been a backlash against many food products. Carbonated soft drinks, trans fats etc.

How did social pressure change purchase patterns and/or usage patterns. What would the scanner data say these moms bought before, during and after the 14 day reporting period?

What do you think?

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