Sunday, June 27, 2010

Browser Home Screen - Top Sites



Above is a screen shot of the start page in Google Chrome. It's my understanding that the images are in order left to right, then down in order of most visits. In this case Twitter is the most visited site and Gist is the second most and so on. What is amazing is that Gist, a contact knowledge engine is up to number two. It's only been about six weeks since I started using Gist. The ranking algorithm in Chrome might be for most visits in the past 30 days.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Google Latitude – Traffic Jam I-94

Google Latitiude Traffic Jam
Above is a image from Google Latitude. From the data you can see that the distance between geo blips is very short. The back up was about a mile as the freeway was completely closed west bound as the result of a car accident. Traveling one mile took about forty-five minutes.

Google receives geo blip data from users of Latitude. This data can pinpoint traffic congestion and perhaps one day areas that have a lot of traffic jams. Perhaps the causes of the traffic jams could be investigated and solutions implemented to improve traffic flows and driver safety.

What would be interesting is if Google called people (Google Voice users) that are in the traffic jam. They could provide insights about the cause (construction, accident etc). Perhaps first responders could be contacted with data live from the scene.