Was looking at the icon shortcuts on the Google start page.
In order the sites are...
1. Twitter
2. Gist
3. Plancast
4. Google Latitude
5. Twitter Search
6. Wall Street Journal
7. Foursquare
8. LinkedIn
Plancast has moved up a lot in the past few weeks. Seems that a few of the people that I follow on it have added a bunch of events recently. The more my contacts use Plancast, the more valuable it becomes. It's my understanding that Facebook events are exported to Plancast. This is good for several reasons. The first is that it brings non Facebook users, but still contacts, in to the event game. The second reason is bringing a more curated calendar of events to ones attention. Past experience on Facebook included the creation of too many events. Part of the problem with that is email and time management becomes challenging. As I recall, people would indicate they were going to a Facebook event and not make it for whatever reason. It seems that if some says they are in on Plancast they are really going. This is good because if you want to meet someone face-to-face at an event, a "Count Me in" it is highly probably the person will show up.
Plancast is a relatively new service.
1. Have you taken a look at it or are you already using it?
2. Do you see the sharing of events as important?
It's been a long time since LinkedIn has made the home screen. This might actually be the first time. LinkedIn has made some changes recently. Perhaps they are not new but that they came to my attention. It is now possible to follow people that one is not connected to directly. If there is a shared group between both people, you can follow updates of not direct contacts. This enables one to follow smart and perhaps influential people that only connect with people they know or have worked with. Here's where it gets interesting. If the smart person you are following posts to LinkedIn, it's my understanding that you can comment on their thought, comment or post. This engagement may lead to a discussion and from there... all things are possible.
Another interesting part of LinkedIn is the Groups. Recently I've joined a few groups that have active questions and discussions. One such group is the one for Marketing Over Coffee.
1. Are you actively using LinkedIn?
2. Are you getting more value out of it than before?
3. What changes have you liked or disliked?