Saturday, September 18, 2010

Google Realtime Timeline


Was doing a search for Detroit on Google Realtime and noticed that the timeline can be scrolled. This means you can see what the topic was that spiked activity at that time. Detroit is a rather common word and has frequent activity posted. It looks like there were two small spikes after 6 PM and another at what looks like 11 PM.

See image below. You can try the Detroit search here.

Google Realtime Timeline

*Perhaps I should have done a screenshot of one of the spiking periods for analysis.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Is Guy Kawasaki Tweeting Live?



It looks like Guy is tweeting via TweetDeck. One could safely assume that he is actually at a computer tweeting (could be TweetDeck for iPhone or perhaps on an iPad). If you wanted to reach him via an @ reply or a Direct Message (DM) it’s a good idea to be able to tell when he in online and watching Twitter.

He probably gets hundreds of @ replies and Direct Messages a day. So, if he isn’t watching as your messages comes in, it will probably get pushed to the bottom in short order.

Lesson: Send your message at a time when it will be read.

Interesting Google Ad


It appears that a someone named Dave Palmer is seeking to sell his talents to Google. It would appear that he is trying a different tactic in finding a recruiter that finds employees for Google.



This tactic has worked in the past. The example that comes to mind was for someone in the advertising or media business. In that case the person bought the ads against the names of people that had the power to actually hire him. People Google their own names.

A Google search lead to this → CNN: “Man lands job with $6 Google campaign

Monday, September 13, 2010

UPS delivers 'amore' -

Third-party logistics is a growing area at a time of globalization and cost-cutting of in-house supply-chain operations, said Kevin Sterling, senior transportation analyst at BB&T Capital Markets.

*Possible area for students to study and become experts in. How to integrate complex supply chain distribution channels.

Posted via email from admore's posterous

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Gillmor Gang: Smart People

Hope to watch this complete episode of the Gillmor Gang soon. In addition to Steve Gillmor it appears that “Loic Le Meur, Robert Scoble, Danny Sullivan, John Taschek, and Kevin Marks” are also in the program.

Realtime Search


Recently several real-time search services have come to my attention. and Google Realtime

You should check both of them out and add them to your toolbox.

MarketWatch Ad in The Wall Street Journal iPhone App


A few months back I saw an ad for MarketWatch in the Wall Street Journal iPhone app. It’s an ad for their Twitter account.


iPod 079

Foursquare: Mayor Special From The Sterling Heights Public Library


Foursquare Mayor Special from the Sterling Heights Public library. Free tote bag. The current mayor has 3 checkins.

Foursquare venue.

iPod 092

Foursquare Special - Sterling Heights Library

Location Services on iPod / iPhone


Was looking around in “settings” on the iPod Touch when I came across the screen below. It lists all the location based services (LBS) that are on the device.  Each of the services listed is looking for location data when you use their service. It finally came to my attention what the purple arrow means. When it appears it means that an app has requested location data within the past 24 hours. Was just in the Yelp app previous to visiting this screen, hence the location data indicator was on.


iPod 103

LinkedIn App on iPhone: Connect VIA Bluetooth


Apparently LinkedIn has a way to connect with people via Bluetooth. Saw this on an iPod Touch using the LinkedIn app.


iPod 101

The Flickr App for iPhone

iPod 100

This is why the Flickr app is so awesome. It makes it easy to see the pictures friends and family post to Flickr.