Sunday, July 13, 2008


Re: Jul 12 From 25 startup ideas to 5,the list, which one would you start? Update:make that 4

My choices are below. The words in "[ ]" are my thoughts on each idea. They are not in any particular order. The link to the post was provided by Wayne Sutton VIA Twitter.


Lots of great ideas.

The five that may have the most Promise / Opportunity / Success are…

# 5 Walt - incredible tree web app, make easy to record details, capture idea, thoughts

[Ideas come and go quickly, important to capture then then implement them]

#16 Mark – plug-ins for wordpress to turn site into a business (example shopping cart system)

[People can more easily monetize their ideas]

#18 Jeff – mashup of a twitter service and a game tracker type service, mobile phone update, system to follow sports player, by stats or actions

[Fantasy sports... Huge opportunity]

#23 Taylor – kiva for kids - micro finance site for teenagers

[Great opportunity to help poor / underprivileged get a college or university education]

#25 Brandon - personal price tracker, iphone or web based memory shopping social app
[What is the regular price? This idea will help people track the Right / Best price]

Visit the site and write your picks and analysis in the comments to this post.

Thanks for reading.

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